Psychotherapist Andreea Marin

I am a psychologist-psychotherapist specialized in Transactional Analysis (TA), effective in individual therapygroup or of couple / family. AT treats various disorders, from everyday problems to psychoses. AT therapy encourages active change by focusing on concrete actions, not just passive understanding.

I also specialize in Experiential Unification Psychotherapy (PEU), a holistic method that uses symbols, challenging exercises and therapeutic art. It is suitable for both adults and children.

I am currently studying in Emotion Focused Couples Therapy (EFT), a short and effective approach (8-20 sessions). EFT is based on the science of adult attachment and aims to improve relationships between partners.


Asociația Origini

Mai 2024 – prezent: Creating and delivering personal development workshops for adults

OWPN Academy

March 2022 – present: Creating and providing personal development workshops for association members (youth and adults); psychoeducation offered during the events; individual therapy

CCU Foundation

February 2024 – present: Creation and provision of webinars

Close Clinic

Noiembrie 2023 – Aprilie 2024: Creating and delivering personal development workshops for adults

Maze Clinic

February 2023 – February 2024: Psychological support and therapeutic intervention: Adults and couples


Professional training
2023 – present: Training in Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy
2020 – 2022: Training in Child, Couple and Family Psychotherapy – Experiential Psychotherapy
2014 – 2019: Training in Psychotherapy – Transactional Analysis
2009 – 2013: Graduated in Psychology
Certifications and certificates
Free practice certificate in the specialty of Psychotherapy - Transactional Analysis, accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists
Member of the Romanian Transactional Analysis Association


BB 22 years old

In the week it was one year since I started going to therapy with you I started to think about how much has changed in the last year, I mean from chaos and many thoughts and misunderstanding and holding a lot, I moved to silence and cried less often and healthier and balanced and understood some states and thoughts better and faster, through therapy with you I learned to take care of myself all the time and not to be afraid of being alone all the time and all these things I learned with you in a safe, calm and compassionate and understanding environment and words of praise for successes

I am 22 years old

The experience with Andreea was outstanding! Professionalism, empathy and personalized approach made every session beneficial. I feel understood and supported and the progress made in dealing with personal difficulties is remarkable. I confidently recommend Andreea to anyone looking for positive change and support in personal development.

IL 20 years

Psychotherapy with Andreea is a journey of self-discovery through which I learned how to set my limits, how to relate to myself, to the people around me and to the experiences I live, so that I can build an existence that brings me happiness that suits me. Most of the time, the answer is right there with you, but you may need help to be able to reach it, a safe space where you can expose your thoughts to decipher them, to accept them. That's exactly what I feel I've been missing throughout my life, and that's exactly what therapy has given me.

MT 26 years old

 Decizia de a începe să merg la terapie s-a dovedit a fi cea mai bună pe care am luat-o și singura care chiar a făcut o diferență. Nu știam la ce să mă aștept când am început, dar Andreea mi-a întrecut orice așteptare prin profesionalismul, dedicarea și empatia de care a dat  dovadă. Prin ghidarea ei răbdătoare și atentă am reușit să-mi înțeleg experiența de viață, să mă folosesc de resursele interioare pentru a-mi găsi drumul și a-mi lăsa deoparte anumite temeri. M-a ajutat să mă deblochez din anumite tipare de comportament și gândire în care stagnam de ani de zile. Sub îndrumarea ei am evoluat și am reușit să mă încred mai mult în mine și în potențialul meu. Îmi aduc aminte cum cu un an în urmă mă simțeam pierdută într-o gaură neagră fără scăpare, iar mersul la terapie și prezența Andreei în viața mea m-au făcut să continui și să nu mă simt singură. Mulțumesc mult!

YEAR 17 years old

Psychotherapy, for 4 years, with Andreea helped me and helps me a lot. I always felt it was a safe environment to discuss the vulnerable but important things to me. In the sessions with her, I have a lot of empathy, understanding, but, when necessary, she corrects me and tells me where I am wrong, in a diplomatic and constructive way. Her honesty is an important quality as I learn that everyone makes mistakes and that the process of transformation takes time and patience. Throughout this stage of self-knowledge and development, she is by my side and helps me to observe and treat things from a tolerant perspective, on an individual and collective level. Besides, Andreea is a person open to changes, taking my feedback into account. The atmosphere has always been warm and permissive, feeling accepted and understood. I learned that there are solutions to any problem, even if the situations seem impossible and without resolution. It's up to me if I want to discover them and put them into practice.

Media appearances


Show "Critical Point"

Aleph News

Show "STIU"

Journal of Psychologies

A day in the life of a therapist with Andreea Marin

Publicație Psychologies

Cum să ai o relație împlinită prin „a te cunoaște”

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