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Articol – Cum să ai o relație împlinită prin „a te cunoaște”

În ultima perioadă, intru în contact cu din ce în ce mai multe persoane care au relații în care nu se simt împliniți, înțeleși și, de ce nu, fericiți. Sunt foarte multe discuții despre relațiile toxice, ce te ține în ele și cum să scapi.

Webinar – Perfectly Imperfect

Perfectionism is a common but often underestimated trait that can profoundly influence how we manage our lives and relationships.
We address crucial questions such as: What are the factors that contribute to the development of perfectionism? How can perfectionism affect our self-esteem and interpersonal relationships? And more importantly, how can we wisely navigate the world of perfectionism by cultivating a more balanced and forgiving perspective on ourselves?
Whether you are already familiar with the concept of perfectionism or are at the beginning of your journey of self-discovery, this webinar is designed to give you a clear overview and inspiration to improve your life and well-being.

Why don't you feel loved in your relationship, even though your partner tells you he loves you?

Sometimes, it can happen that we don't feel loved in the couple relationship, although the partner says that he/she is making efforts and can also give examples of how he/she shows his/her love. And yet, you don't feel loved, even if, perhaps, on a rational level, the information reaches you...

Do you know what emotional needs are and what important role they play in your relationship as a couple?

In our relationships, we each have certain deep affective needs that are the foundation of emotional connection and attachment. These affective needs, heavily influenced by our attachment styles, play a crucial role in how we feel loved, understood and accepted in relationships…..

Find out what your attachment style is and how it affects your relationship as a couple

Attachment styles are the deep and enduring patterns of behavior and reaction to other people that are formed in the early years of our lives. Attachment style influences how we relate to our subsequent relationships…..

Article - How to recover our self-confidence

Most of the clients who come into the office and whom I ask what their goal in therapy would be, mention self-confidence. I wish they had more confidence in them. But what exactly is this self-confidence about, how is it developed, how is it lost and how is it recovered?

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